Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Facebook Censorship

From Drudge:

FACEBOOK Blocks Republican Candidate's Ad...
Asked to Change Rules for Journalists...

Using Feb 4 2004 3pm Harvard MA for Facebook (probably a rectification), transiting Ceres (removal) at 16 Virgo is conjunct Facebook's Third House (communication) Jupiter (publishing) at 17 Virgo.  

I expect analogous transits for all the "big social" corporations (in the face of this week's crackdown on non-Leftist social media) but don't have their data on hand.  

Transiting Saturn (restriction) at 3 Capricorn is opposite the US Jupiter (publishing) at 5 Cancer.  

If this blog is removed by Google, you might look for it on zot.net or on Wordpress.  I might even pro-actively move it, myself. 

Write to me at "alan" + "@" + "zot.net".

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